Former Four Roses Master Distiller Jim Rutledge’s retirement has doubled the amount of work he’s doing in the whiskey world these days. In addition to being a highly sought after consultant and contract distiller, he's actively moving forward with plans to build J W Rutledge Distillery in the heart of Kentucky's bourbon country.
“It took me about a week to realize a retirement week consisted of six Saturdays and one Sunday,” he chuckled.
“That’s what makes me happy is the prospect of getting back in the distillery. To me it’s not work,” Rutledge says.
“Just before I retired Steven Camisa approached me about starting our own distillery,” he recalls. “We went out to visit some small distilleries in Kentucky. Afterwards I realized I’d go crazy trying to sit around all day just to get two or three barrels a day. I knew we needed to go with a mid-sized distillery at least. So our plan was to do a distillery at least half the size of Four Roses.”
“It took me about a week to realize a retirement week consisted of six Saturdays and one Sunday,” he chuckled.
“That’s what makes me happy is the prospect of getting back in the distillery. To me it’s not work,” Rutledge says.
“Just before I retired Steven Camisa approached me about starting our own distillery,” he recalls. “We went out to visit some small distilleries in Kentucky. Afterwards I realized I’d go crazy trying to sit around all day just to get two or three barrels a day. I knew we needed to go with a mid-sized distillery at least. So our plan was to do a distillery at least half the size of Four Roses.”

At J W Rutledge Distillery, we will produce Kentucky Straight Bourbon whiskeys using both rye and wheat as small flavoring grains, and a straight Rye whiskey will also be included in our portfolio of distilled spirits. A pot still may ultimately be added to expand our beverage alcohol production to other types of beverage alcohols.
Another goal is to remain free of corporate structuring, so we can, and will, listen to our friends and consumers regarding Bourbon and Rye Whiskey mashbills, whiskey ages, bottle strengths, single barrel and small batch renderings.... This will also mean there will not be a corporate structure in place to require addition of flavors to Bourbons, or finishing of Bourbon in used barrels, of another type alcohol, to alter and change the flavor and character of our whiskeys.
Another goal is to remain free of corporate structuring, so we can, and will, listen to our friends and consumers regarding Bourbon and Rye Whiskey mashbills, whiskey ages, bottle strengths, single barrel and small batch renderings.... This will also mean there will not be a corporate structure in place to require addition of flavors to Bourbons, or finishing of Bourbon in used barrels, of another type alcohol, to alter and change the flavor and character of our whiskeys.
Here's a little info on the new High Plains Rye that just hit the market.